Purify Your Water

Purify your Water

Easily purify your water for all your daily needs. You can with the World’s First Gravity and Glass Water Purification System. I just received my beautiful hammered glass water purifier. On average, bottled water can cost from $0.89 to $8.26 per gallon. No more taking the 5 gallon jug to Walmart to fill and refill. On the other hand, you only have to pay pennies for tap water. This is water the way nature intended for it to be. Did you know that you can purify rainwater?

We drink a lot of water in my household. I actually did the calculations and we were spending over $700 a year for bottle water. For less than 1/2 the cost I purchased the best water purifying system on the market. My household now has purified water for less than two cents a gallon in the comfort of our home, all while saving the environment from more harmful plastic waste. Our water is clear of bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride, and other harmful chemicals. Yes, it provide us with all the beneficial minerals our bodies need. Of course, I had to decorate around my already beautiful hammered glass water machine. Check it out.

Get your water purifying machine here.

A Brief History

The actual bottling of water was initiated in 1621 at Holy Well of the United Kingdom. Water storing and transporting dates back to the initial human evolution. The resurrection in water therapy and spa visitation began around the 17th and 18th century for the Europeans and American colonists. In 1767 Jackson’s Spa sold the first bottle water in Boston, Massachusetts. This marked the beginning of commercially sold bottled water in America.

First Bottled Water

It was not until around the 20th century that municipal water supplies started the chlorination of water. Therefore, reducing the concern of most Americans about the unsafety of municipal waters, which led to a decline of bottled water demand. Yet, at the present bottled water has been able to obtain the position of the largest consumed saleable drink in America.

Disadvantages of Bottled Water

Bottled water is convenient, readily available, and easily stored. Regardless of the advantages of bottled water, we must also look at the disadvantages. The actual plastic bottles contain chemicals such as BPA or bisphenol A that can leak into older bottles or bottles exposed to excessive sunlight. Most individuals consuming this water has the risk of health problems.

Bottled water

Empty plastic water bottles are generally not disposed of properly or recycled. The plastic does not decompose easily. Therefore, they are bad for the environment and require a lot of energy to manufacture. Plastic bottles are NOT biodegradable-object broken down (digested) by living organisms, naturally recycled.

In the USA, about 76 million barrels of oil are needed to manufacture, transport, store, and dispose of the plastic bottles (for bottled water) used in a single year. That’s enough oil to fuel 4.3 million cars for one year! Bottled water is EXPESIVE. One must understand the complete costs involved in manufacturing bottled water. The costs include sanitizing, packaging, marketing, shipping, and preserving.

Advantages of Drinking Water

Did you know about 60 percent of the human body is water and our blood is 90 percent water. Water is essential for our kidneys and other bodily functions. Also, drinking water instead of soda can help loss weight.

Here are some main advantages of drinking water:

  • Lubricates our joints which prevents dehydration resulting in joint pain.
  • Helps maintain blood pressure lack of water causes blood to become thicker-increasing blood pressure.
  • Prevents kidney damage and function-lack of hydration leads to kidney failure which can be life-threatening.
  • Reduce cholesterol levels.

Additional advantages of drinking water are younger healthier skin, natural energy boost, and restful sleep. I also have found some amazing products that are life-changing, life-enhancing and promote a trifecta of health which include the younger healthier skin, natural energy boost, and restful sleep.

Trifecta of health

Trifecta of health is something we all strive for. However, what does that actually mean? The word Trifecta means you are referring to a perfect union of three things. Therefore, the trifecta of health revolves around energy, vitality and sleep. They are all related and work together to give you a perfect union of he human body.

As a Trifecta of Health, these three products work like a perfect team. Start out with the uüth (pronounced youth) in the morning which is for your vitality and healthy skin, hair, and nails. Next about 10-20 minutes later take the brān for a natural energy boost and focus. Finally about 30 minutes before bed, take the zlēm for the best sleep of your life. If you want to experience it yourself, then all you have to do is click this link. Then start ordering your SNAPS and enjoy a better quality of life!!!

In conclusion, bottled water is everywhere. Bottled water can be unhealthy, harmful to the environment, and expensive. Our bodies need water to function properly. We can have healthy water for pennies with this purifying system that pays for itself in less than two months. This system makes the most refreshing water you will ever experience in your life, Yes, it is better than the most expensive bottled water on the market .

Take care of your body by drinking the purest water on the planet. Also, do not forget the three biohacking products for the recipe for youth, vitality, focus, and better quality of sleep. Remember in just a SNAP you are on your way to a trifecta of a healthy life.