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Free Book: Marketing is Freedom

You can have the free book, Marketing is Freedom written by Rory Ricord. He has been professionally in direct sales and marketing since 1989. Since, then he lives and breaths marketing. Engineering processes and techniques to help build sales and marketing teams with a global reach.

To get Book. Use Coupon Code: freedom and you can get the eBook for free (on him) or get $9.95 off the Audio or Hard Copy. Therefore, if you want to see where the future of marketing incomes, marketing paths, and ways of building incomes for your family; you will want to read this.

Get this on AMAZON (EBOOK ONLY) HERE, or


Marketing is Freedom - Work from home

Learn about the Author

In Marketing is Freedom-the book-Rory shares his years of experience and marketing understanding to you the reader.

With a solid lifetime of learning, developing, and exercising the knowledge of marketing is shared clearly with readers to gain an education to better their marketing directions. With this in mind, you can learn amazing things about the art of marketing.

World Changes=Marketing Opportunities

With all the disruptions happening in the world that creates opportunities for us to market. Just like masks were not even a topic prior to the Pandemic, everyone knows about them. The World is Changing.

Rory happily shares that having Cashflow is the only “True Freedom” device I have ever seen. There is an incredible sense of being free once you have your finances coming in regardless of your TIME being used to make them happen.

Steady Cashflow

A steady cashflow is a blessing, but having multiple sources of cash flow borders on a miracle. The more sources of cashflow the more FREEDOM. If you are looking for a way out of living paycheck to paycheck, I would recommend you have a read of this book. Just reading this far as to make sure you didn’t miss anything further right?

Thriving is possible, and OVER-ABUNDANCE is deserved. Need a place to learn and gain endless potential in creating “Income Streams?”

Again, Get this on AMAZON (EBOOK ONLY) HERE, or